
Safety Safety Safety! Whether it is our clients' safety, our employees' safety, or the general public's safety, we at Milanco Building Group regard safety as a top priority before beginning the project, while working on the project, when finishing the project, and long after the project is done. Our Safety Program encompasses training, implementation, enforcement, and documentation.

Our training is provided periodically to our staff and team members, and if needed we will provide training for third party subcontractors too. As part of our safety plans, we can also provide a job hazard analysis (JHA), which is important to prevent any future accidents.

Our own control check experts will frequently visit our job sites, we have a responsibility to inspect work activities for safety compliance. We will create safe work plans to mitigate any potential hazards, and record any related project specific safety documentation.

We understand that construction is a high risk industry that can lead to the worst accidents. Our Construction employees engage in many activities that may expose them to severe injuries, Choosing a construction safety company will pay for itself through fewer worker's comp claims and more days on the job.

We recommend you to take a proactive approach to your safety goals in order to stop costly mishaps before they occur.

Safety Record

Our safety record is a direct reflection on our ability to complete your project safely, ...

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Great Communication

Effective communication is vital to the successful completion of any construction project ...

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Licensed, Insured, and Bonded

We are competent, honest, hardworking and financially responsible, however that is not enough ...

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Quality Material

We are able to use superior materials that we are able to get at a very affordable rate from our suppliers and fast ...

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